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Higher Level Thinking For Men

As Men we are called to think deeper and with more virtue because our thoughts determine our actions. Praying consistently helps us develop a habit of thinking on a higher level. What should we think about? We can take some advice from St. Paul in the book of...

When Forgiveness Isn’t Deserved?

Have you ever thought someone didn't deserve your forgiveness? You're not alone. We struggle with this all the time. But we need to look at forgiveness in a different way. Forgiveness is a gift. No one can earn or deserve the gift of forgiveness.  Why should you...

A Fathers Guide To Successful Parables

Have you ever struggled with: Teaching your children a lesson? or Explaining something to your wife? or Encouraging a friend to do the right thing? If you have you are not alone. For most of us these are difficult things to do and we often avoid doing them. Wouldn't...

The Dirty Secret Behind Communion in the Hand

How were you taught to receive Holy Communion? In my generation, most of us were taught from the get-go to receive Jesus in the hand. But is this wrong? Is this the best way to receive Jesus? Is it really that big of a deal? Receiving in the hand is by far, the most...